From sourcing riders and establishing B2B relationships, through processing orders and transactions as classically understood in e-business, show administration, procedural and formal compliance and provision of suitable conditions for all participants to media relations and comprehensive show coverage. One may say that the scope of responsibilities and competences of one person is impressive on the job description level alone. Yet, creating an environment where success in sport is the outcome of form, preparation and training routine, must be paid for with months of work and knowledge derived from years of experience.
Being an active show jumping rider with an extensive equestrian experience, boasting a large portfolio of achievements on international level, including the membership of Polish National Team, Sandra Piwowarczyk gained a great professional experience as a Sport Director of Baltica Equestrian Tour over the years. Undoubtedly she has all the aces up her sleeve to tailor a made-to-measure equestrian event. It does not happen too often that a show organiser is a professional rider at the same time, putting to a test the results of her own work and organisational efforts.